
Brand new group!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The relative value of something is directly proportional to what you paid to obtain it. Think about it -- the price of a black strip of cloth is, what, $2.00 at Michaels? Even if you happen to be really horizontally challenged, that strip won't cost you more than $3.00. Is that all your black belt is worth?

'course not. You're paying for it every day that you train. And you have been paying for it for the past several years as a yellow, orange, purple, green, blue, and brown belt. And your parents have been paying for it, not just financially, but in their time spent driving as well as in supporting your efforts.

Yep -- that strip of black cloth that you're all working towards is heavy with the price of sweat, sacrifice and self-discipline. Aren't you glad it isn't a cheap token that anyone can just buy off the internet? After all, what good is that?

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Given a choice between doing 300 pushups, running 10 miles, or stretching for 8 minutes, I would pick the former two in a heartbeat. The third option? Well, let's just say that even if the choice included stabbing one's self in the eye with a toothpick, I may not opt for the stretch.

That's not to say stretching is unimportant. It totally is. Not just in an offensive capability (better range of kicks, wider selection of techniques at your disposal) but defensive as well (injury prevention). The problem is in consistency. Unlike strength or endurance training, wherein you can go from zero to respectable in a matter of weeks or months, there's no cramming for flexibility. If you don't stretch for years (or many many years like me), it takes THAT much time to fix.

Younger folk tend to be more flexible. But if you don't keep it up, you lose flexibility. Day by day, hour by hour, inch by inch. Trust me, the easiest thing to do is to maintain your flexibility by stretching every day -- don't wait as long as I did or it shows and it HURTS!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hard-earned truism

Recent personal events have really hammered home the notion of how precious every single day is... Train like you mean it. Because it's your time, your parents' time, your instructor's time, and your teammates' time. If you're going to do something, do it because it's important to you, and do it with gusto...or go do something else instead. That simple. And that complex.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

LJ Alumni thoughts?

hey BB Training Alumni out there...yep, you guys, the current Black Belts! Leave us your comments?

You know, stuff like:

What was your experience like?

For the class of 2008, did you REALLY have to run the hills while wearing 10lb ankle weights?

Throw the current crop of challengers some words of advice, or share a story or two, por favor!

as the Pilgrims said: "どうもありがとう!"

Thanksgiving...another notch on our belts and the holiday season is underway!

While the Thanksgiving day is over, we should try and keep the concept of gratitude and appreciation in mind. A good friend of ours had this to say:

"We have many things to be thankful for! For our health, opportunities, life and our families. There are so many people that are their for us and we don't realize how important to us. We are all blessed with opportunities to show what talents and all the aspects of ourselves that God gave to us....whether it is fighting talent, a "drive and want" to be better, athletic talent, mental talent or even being there for the rest of their teammates. We should also be thankful for the parents we have that sacrifice so much for us. I am thankful for the parents that aren't even mine."

Well said.