
Brand new group!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't feel like training today?

Yeah you know that voice. Then one that says, "Hey I've got too much homework to train today." Or the really convincing one that goes, "Boy I'm a little beat today, maybe I'll just sit on that couch..."

Kinda feel hypocritical writing this, as I succumbed to those voices last night and ended up bailing from training...but here goes. IGNORE that voice! You'll not only feel better for having moved one step further in your training, but you'll have done what 90% of your peers have not -- namely to get off your butts and DO something. Through the course of a month, a year, or a decade, those little actions make a ton of difference.

Personal experience? Well, I can tell you that I feel more tired today when I didn't train as compared to the days after I had a really great workout...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

OODA loop?

Hey quick question. Which one of you knows what OODA loop means? You heard Master Ortez mention it a bunch of times; and I know Master Garr talks about it in both his basics and fighting training. C'mon, you can tell me, I won't tell.

All right. OODA loop is a concept that Colonel Boyd of the USAF came up with, and it stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act, and Loop (as in start from the beginning again). Here's how it works:

Oh how nice, I spy a foot flying toward my noggin.
Let me reflect on what happened last time I had a foot come a-flying.
Mayhaps I will get out of the way.
then...Observe again. As in, here comes the followup kick....

Problem is, if we don't get to the Decide part in OODA, you get stuck in the Observe-Orient part (i.e. by the time you're ready to act, your opponent has changed the situ and you have to reset and take in the changes, which chews up even more reaction time). Flip side is, if you can enforce you OODA loop on someone else, you can get THEM stuck in the O-O and gain the advantage.

Easier said than done, but that's what it means.

Key point of all this is, if you don't know what somethin' means, do ask! Caveat of course is, ask someone who knows (not me. I had to ask too.).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

2010 Candidate List

Audery Agcaoili
Bridgette Agcaoili
Josiah Alvira
Allison Anderson
Rei Esaka
Jose Mejia
Austin Nguyen
Alan Park
Yana Roumeliotis
Ryan Salazar

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 10th, 2009: BB candidate Pre-test

And so it begins...

Just stay focused for the next 211 days. No problem!


This is a shot from the BB candidate pre-test run. These five finished with sub 5min times. Me? I'm the figure you see on the horizon, re-experiencing his In-n-Out lunch. Delish.

Training Calendar

Pay close attention to the IT Training and Red Belt training days!
(see Useful Links section on the right)